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WOD – Fri, Apr 7

Warm Up

2minutes Rowing Running Biking
Over All Dynamic Body Activation

1 set:
3:00 row, bike, or SkiErg
10 leg swings/leg (up and back)
50-feet walk on toes
20 shoulder taps
50-feet walk on heels
10 Push up to pike
50-feet skip for height
50-feet skip for distance
100-m jog (50%) test time of 1 minute
100-m run (75%) “
100-m run (85%+) “

2 sets:
100-m run

2 Sets Shoulder Press
1×6 40% behind the neck
1×6 50% front rack

Shoulder Press (5-3-3-2-1-1
E2MOM 12: 6 sets
1×5 65-70% of 1RM
1×3 80%
1×3 90%
1×2 95-100%
1×1 100%
1×1 100%
– Find a 1 RM.)
040723 WOD (Time)


EMOM 16:
Even minutes: max handstand hold
Odd minutes: 100m run max hanging L-sit hold
– Score is total cumulative time combined.



EMOM 16:
Even minutes: max handstand hold
Odd minutes: 100m run max hanging max bent knee leg lift hold
– Score is total cumulative time combined.
– Maintain same L-sit variation the entire time.



EMOM 16:
Even minutes: max plank hold
Odd minutes: 100m run max hanging max seated leg lift hold
– Score is total cumulative time combined.
– Maintain same L-sit variation the entire time.


Gymnastics-focused day!

Great opportunity to build strength, skill, and stamina.

Find a challenging variation of each movement. Your choice should allow you to perform at least :20 of each movement in each set.

Cool Down

1 set:
1:00 seated pike stretch
1:00 seated straddle stretch
1:00 saddle stretch