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WOD – Fri, Dec 23


2-3 minutes Rowing Running Biking
Over All Dynamic Body Activation focus on hips and shoulder’s.

2 sets:
:30 KB goblet squat
– Rest :10
:30 KB bent over row
– Rest :10
:30 KB swings
– Rest :10

1 set:
:30 pigeon stretch/leg
:30 couch stretch/leg
:30 front to back leg swings/leg
:30 pvc or band pass through

1×8 50% of 1RM
1×5 65%
– Rest 1:00between sets.

Back Squat (E3MOM 18
1x 5 75%
1x 3 85% 
1x 2 95%
1×1 100% Finding New 1 RM
1×1 100% 
1×1 100%)

2nd test to find new 1 RM back squat
During rest
Perform 3 Hang power snatch climbing w/ empty BB.

Prepare for “RANDY”

Randy (Time)
For Time:
75 Power Snatches, 75# / 55#
In honor of Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member who was killed February 6 in the line of duty.

Same as RX


For time:
75 power snatch (35/45 lb)


  • Complete the workout between 6:00-10:00.
  • Shoot for quick touch-and-go sets of 10+.
  • Rest less than :05 between sets. A deep breath or 2 and then back on the bar.
  • Head down and go!

Cool Down

2 sets:
1:00 foam roll lower back
:30 cat-cow
:30 standing pike stretch