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Coach’s choice

1 set:
100-m jog
10 leg swings (across the body)
10 single-leg KB deadlift
:30 plank hold

1 set:*
100-m jog
10 jumping air squats
10 single-arm KB swings/arm (eye level)
:30 hollow hold

1 set:
100-m jog
10 KB swings (American swing)
:30 KB front rack hold

Hang Power Snatch (Pre-workout: EMOM 10: 2 hang power or squat snatch)
Metcon (Time)
For time with a partner:
200 KB swings (53/70 lb)
– Resting partner holds a single KB in the front rack (35/53 lb).
American CrossFit Style

For time with a partner:
200 KB swings (35/53 lb)
– Resting partner holds a single KB in the front rack (26/35 lb).

For time with a partner:
100 KB swings (18/26 lb)
– Resting partner holds a single KB in the front rack (18/26 lb).

Complete at least 10-reps with the KB.
Partners switch back and forth as often as they would like.
Athletes should shoot for big sets in the beginning and expect their grip to "go" as the workout goes on. Be prepared to change strategies and communicate as partners.