3 sets:
Unbroken BB Complex
– Build to above workout weight
3 x AMRAP 3:
BB Complex 5x Deadlift 5x Front squat 5x push press 5x Back squat (75/115 lb)
15 Push-ups
Max calorie bike-rower in the remaining time
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.
3 x AMRAP 3:
BB Complex 5x Deadlift 5x Front squat 5x push press 5x Back squat (65/95 lb)
15 Push-ups
Max calorie bike-rower in the remaining time
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.
3 x AMRAP 3:
BB Complex 5x Deadlift 5x Front squat 5x push press 5x Back squat (55/75 lb 45/65 lb)
15 Band or knee assitedPush-ups
Max calorie bike-rower in the remaining time
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.
Min. 1 odd | 10 KB side bends/side
Min. 2 even | :30 v-ups
1 set:
1:00 cobra stretch
1:00 couch stretch/side
:30 adductor stretch/side
2-3 minutes Rowing Running Biking
Over All Dynamic Body Activation
1 set:
:45 bike-row
:45 BB complex 2x
deadlift-front squat-press-good morning
:45 sumo inchworm + push-ups
– Rest :15 between movements.
1 set:
:45 bike-row
:45 BB complex 2x
deadlift-front squat-press-back squat
:45 cossack squats
– Rest :15 between movements
1 set:
:45 bike
:45 BB complex 2x
deadlift-front squat-press-good morning
:45 air squats (hold for :02 at the bottom of each)