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WOD – Tue, Oct 18
There will NOT be a 715pm Class on WEDNESDAY October 19th.


3 minutes Rowing Running Biking
Over All Dynamic Body Activation

max distance shuttle runs (50-ft)


1 set:
100-m run
rest 1:00
100-m run
rest 1:00
50-m run
rest 1:00
50-m run


WOD 221018 (Time)


3 rounds for time:
300-m run
:30 rest
200-m run
:30 rest
100-m run
:30 rest

Same as Rx’d


3 rounds for time:
200-m run
:30 rest
100-m run
:30 rest
50-m run
:30 rest


  • Row or bike if running isn’t an option.
  • Bike options: 3 rounds:
    24/30 calorie bike, 14/20 calorie bike, 7,10 calorie bike. This bike option is for all types of bikes.

3 rounds for time:
300/350-m row
:30 rest
200/2500-m row
:30 rest
100/150-m row
:30 rest


<h3>INTENDED STIMULUS</h3><ul><li>10:00 or less of total time running.</li><li>15:00 workout including rest.</li><li>Finish the 300-m run in 1:30 or less.</li><li>Finish the 200-m run in 1:00 or less.</li><li>Finish the 100-m run in :30 or less.</li><li>Athletes cannot sustain their max effort pace for each distance.</li><li>Athletes should operate at their fastest sustainable pace for each distance.</li><li>Athletes should try to increase their pace as the distance decreases.</li></ul>
SKILL WORK (Checkmark)

3 sets:
25 GHD sit-ups
15 banded side-steps (left)
15 banded side-steps (right)


GHD scaling:
Advanced: 15 weighted GHD sit-ups (14/20)
Intermediate: 15 rep -25 reps
Beginner: Halfway down

Cool Down

1:00 foam roll quads
1:00 foam roll lower back
1:00 foam roll calves