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WOD – Fri, Oct 14
There will NOT be a 715pm Class on WEDNESDAY October 19th.

<p>3 minutes Rowing Running Biking<br />Over All Dynamic Body Activation</p><p><b>1 set:</b><br />50 single unders<br />100-ft DB carry<br />• one arm should be in an overhead position, and the other arm should be in a front rack position.<br />• Switch arms every 50-ft.<br /><br /><b>2 sets:</b><br />50-double unders<br />100-ft DB carry<br />• one arm should be in an overhead position, and the other arm should be in a front rack position.<br />• Switch arms every 50-ft.</p><p><strong>Handstand Push Up Review, then</strong></p><p><b>2 sets:</b><br />3-5 handstand push-ups</p>
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
<article><h3><strong>RX</strong><br />3 sets for reps:<br />Max-rep unbroken handstand push-ups</h3><p>then…</p><p><strong>5 sets for load:</strong><br />3 shoulder presses</p></article><article><h3><strong>INTERMEDIATE</strong><br />3 sets for reps:<br />Max-rep unbroken piked push-ups</h3><p>then…</p><p><strong>5 sets for load:</strong><br />3 shoulder presses</p></article><article><h3><strong>BEGINNER</strong><br />3 sets for reps:<br />Max-rep unbroken push-ups</h3><p>then…</p><p><strong>5 sets for load:</strong><br />3 shoulder presses</p></article>

<p>Score Reps for HSPU and in Comments add weight for Load</p>

Post WOD
<p><strong>Accumulate:</strong><br />100 alternating shoulder taps in a handstand</p>

Cool Down
<p><b>3 sets:</b><br />10 ATY raises<br />:30 reach, roll, and lift</p>