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WOD – Thu, Oct 13

<p>3 minutes Rowing Running Biking<br />Over All Dynamic Body Activation</p><h4>WITH A PARTNER&nbsp;<br /><b>1 set:</b><br />Partner 1 | :40 row<br />Partner 2 | :40 alternating scorpion stretch<br /><br />Partner 2 | :40 row<br />Partner 1 | :40 alternating scorpion stretch<br /><br /><b>1 set:</b><br />Partner 1 | :40 row<br />Partner 2 | :40 alternating lunges<br /><br />Partner 2 | :40 row<br />Partner 1 | :40 alternating lunges<br /><br /><b>1 set:</b><br />Partner 1 | :40 row<br />Partner 2 | :40 sit-ups<br /><br />Partner 2 | :40 row<br />Partner 1 | :40 sit-ups</h4>

<p><b>2 sets:</b><br />10 alternating DB lunges<br />10 GHD sit-ups-or BB sit-ups&nbsp;</p>
WOD 221013 (AMRAP – Rounds)
<article><h3>RX</h3><p><strong>AMRAP 20 with a partner:</strong><br />Max-calorie row<br />10 DB lunges (25/35 lb)<br />15 GHD sit-ups<br />– Partners alternate after one partner finishes the 10 DB lunges and 15 GHD sit-ups.</p></article><article><h3>INTERMEDIATE</h3><p><strong>AMRAP 20 with a partner:</strong><br />Max-calorie row<br />10 DB lunges (25/35 lb)<br />15 GHD sit-ups to parallel</p></article><article><h3>BEGINNER</h3><p><strong>AMRAP 20 with a partner:</strong><br />Max-calorie row<br />10 DB lunges (10/15 lb)<br />15 sit-ups</p></article>

<h3>INTENDED STIMULUS</h3><ul><li>5-6 rounds each of the lunges and sit-ups.</li><li>150-300+ total calories.</li><li>Opportunity to reduce the intensity from the previous days, if needed.</li></ul>

<p><strong>3 sets:</strong><br />25 weighted hip extensions</p>

Cool Down
<p><b>Accumulate:</b><br />2:00 frog stretch</p>