Over All Dynamic Body Activation
"Tabata " Core Alternate 8 Sets of :
:20 KB Tea cups side bends
:10 Rest
:20 KB Bootstrappers
2 Sets of:
100/150-m row or ski or 200/300-m bike
10 alternating elbow to instep
8 KB goblet squats
6 push-ups to down dog
1 set:
10 up-downs
:20 plank hold
1 set:
5 up-downs over partner plank
20 mountain climbers
1 set:
5 up-downs over partner plank
10 med ball passing sit-ups #14/20 10/14 8/10
1 set:
1:00 max calories (row, bike, or ski)
5 burpees over partner plank (each)
10 med ball passing sit-ups #14/20 10/14 8/10
7 rounds for time:
15 burpees over your partners plank
20 med ball passing sit-ups #14/20
Same as Rx’d
5 rounds for time:
15 burpees over your partners plank
20 med ball passing sit-ups #8/10
25 GHD hip extensions
– Rest as needed between sets.
25 BB RDLs
– Rest as needed between sets.
1:00 cobra stretch
1:00 couch stretch/side
Fast and simple workout that should encourage more athletes to push for Rx’d.