Over All Dynamic Body Activation
"Tabata " Core Alternate 8 Sets of :
:20 V-Ups
:10 Rest
:20 Side Plank hold
1 set:
:20 jumping jack
:20 lateral skater jumps
:20 double-knee tuck in plank
– Rest :10 between sets.
1 set:
:20 jumping jack
:20 lateral skater jumps
:20 double-knee tuck in plank
– Rest :05 between sets.
1 set:
:20 jumping jack
:20 lateral skater jumps
:20 double-knee tuck in plank
– No rest between sets.
1 set:
5 elbow instep + hamstring stretch/side
5 pause air squats
5 air squats
5 pause front squats
5 front squats
Tall clean
Hang clean pull
Hang squat clean Jump and pull with the shoulders (Hip extension).
Hang squat clean
1 set:
100-m run
4 hang squat clean
5 x 2:00 rounds for reps:
Run 200-m
Max hang squat cleans (105/155 lb)
– No rest between rounds.
5 x 2:00 rounds for reps:
Run 200-m
Max hang squat cleans (75/115 lb)
– No rest between rounds.
5 x 2:00 rounds for reps:
Run 200-m
Max hang squat cleans (55/75 lb)
– No rest between rounds.
7-15 cleans each round.
Hang on to the bar for 3+ reps at a time.
Finish the runs in less than 1:00.
Perform the runs at a moderate pace that isn’t a sprint, but still leaves plenty of time for the cleans.
1:00 upper back lacrosse ball/side
1:00 lacrosse ball on calf/side