Over All Body Activation
3 Sets of:
50 ft shuttle run
5 cuban press
10 single leg Romanian deadlift /leg
50 ft bear crawl
4 DB snatches, each arm chest up, pull through the shoulder
8 alternating DB snatches lower to the floor, switch hands
8 alternating DB snatches lower to the front rack, switch hands
8 alternating DB snatches switch hands overhead.
1 set:
2 legless rope climb or chosen modification for wod
5 rounds for time:
2 legless rope climbs (15 ft)
20 alternating DB snatches (45/65 lb)
5 rounds for time:
2 rope climbs (15 ft)
20 alternating DB snatches (35/50 lb)
5 rounds for time:
4 pull-to-stands
20 alternating DB snatches (15/25 lb)
50 knees-to-elbows on a rope or bar
20 banded pull-aparts
:30 wrist extension stretch/arm
Finish this workout in under 18:00.
Substitute a challenging upper body pull if you can’t legless rope climb; strengthen your upper body today.
Challenge your athletes with a heavier dumbbell.
This workout is going to create a chaotic environment for your athlete’s upper body.