Over All Body Activation
3 Sets of:
10 alternating single-leg deadlifts
10 ring rows or light DB bent-over rows
10 high knees in place (Increase speed eac set)
10 alternating overhead lunges
2 x 100-m jog
2 x 200-m jog
3-5 sets pull-up warm-up:
3-5 unbroken assisted strict pull-ups for all athletes
1-2 sets pull-up test:
5 unbroken strict pull-ups or pull-up variations
400/200/100-m run
Max-rep strict pull-ups
– Each time you break a set of pull-ups, complete a run.
From 0:00-7:00 run 400s, from 7:00-14:00 run 200s, and from 14:00-21:00 run 100s.
Same as Rx’d
400/200/100-m run
Max-rep ring rows
– Each time you break a set of pull-ups, complete a run.
From 0:00-7:00 run 400s, from 7:00-14:00 run 200s, and from 14:00-21:00 run 100s.
:30 banded shoulder stretch/side
:30 PVC pass-throughs
:30 Couch stretch
Prioritize building strict upper-body pulling strength.
Adjust pull-up assistance as needed so you can perform 5+ strict pull-ups every time you are on the bar.
Aim to complete around 3+ runs with the 400-m distance, 5+ runs at the 200-m distance, and 7+ runs at the 100-m distance.
During the later rounds, rest extra during the transitions so you can perform large sets of strict pull-ups.